Cool, thanks Josh!

Question, wouldn't this make it slightly non-symmetrical? Or did he add fairing compound to the opposite side to bulk it out the same amount?

Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11

On 2013-02-14 5:44 AM, Josh Muckley wrote:

Sorry folks, I forgot to include the link to the pictures. Rookie mistake.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+

On Feb 13, 2013 9:54 PM, "Josh Muckley" < <>> wrote:

    Hey everyone just wanted to share some pictures of the rudder
    rebuild on my 1989 C&C 37+.  Steve Uhthoff at Annapolis Gelcoat
    and Fiberglass did a fantastic job and gave fantastic support.

    As a bit of a background on the boat and the rudder.  I bought it
    May 2012.  At the time of the survey it was noted that the rudder
had high moisture though no movement over the shaft was noted. The exact extent of condition could not be determined. I decided
    that the rudder was absolutely going to be the first repair
    project during the winter haul out.

    Steve identified a specific design deficiency in that the
stainless steel arms were not bonded to either of the skins. Little or no stiffness was being provided by the arms. He did on
    the other hand find that all of the welds and the shaft were
    completely encapsulated and that no oxidation had occurred.  He
    removed all of the old foam core.  Bonded the arms to one of the
    skins.  Re-foamed the core with 4lbs foam.  Created bonding pads
in the core so that the arms could be bonded to the new top skin. He fiberglassed the foam in place with 7 layers and vinylester
    teeing.  Finished it off with 3 coats of barrier coat and faring
    compound on both sides.  I probably mis-stated some part of the
    job being that I am not an fiberglass expert but the long story
    made short is that I am exceedingly happy with the outcome as well
    as the knowledge, expertise, and professionalism demonstrated by
    Steve and his staff.

    Regardless of where you get your rudder rebuilt I hope the
    pictures help some of you to at least pre-plan by seeing what you
    are getting into.  Good Luck.

    Annapolis Gelcoat & Fiberglass Repairs
    P.O. Box 3438 Annapolis, MD 21403
    Office: 410-263-8980 <tel:410-263-8980>
    Fax: 410-280-2639 <tel:410-280-2639>

    Josh Muckley
    S/V Sea Hawk
    1989 C&C 37+

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    Check out:
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