Any chandlery.

Sent: Friday, February 8, 2013 4:13 PM
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Subject: Re: Stus-List Main Reefing System

My Boat does not have the hooks at the goosneck you are all describing.  Any idea where i might find them?
1973 Viking 33
Westport Point, MA

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Indigo" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Main Reefing System
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 17:55:14 -0500

β€œTo reef, lower the main, one person hooks the little strap to the hook on the gooseneck, and another hauls in the leech line (my boat has a small winch on the side of the boom and a cleat just forward of that). When the line is tight, then secure it and hoist the main back up.”


I have always tensioned the halyard first (stops the ring on the strap falling off the hook) and then the leech line. Is this incorrect?



35-III – Connecticut in the Blizzard!



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Gary Nylander
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Main Reefing System


There are two ways to go - a single line system which can be controlled from the cockpit or a two-man system.


The two man system is easier to rig. Put a reefing cringle about 3 feet up the luff of the main - my sailmaker then put a short strap through the cringle - the strap has a ring at each end. Attached to the gooseneck of the boom is a hook, mine is nearly a circle - of about 1/4 inch stainless.


About three feet up on the leech of the main, put another cringle. On the boom, put a flush fitting block on one side and a padeye on the other, about a foot in from the end of the boom (make sure when your main is dropped down, these will be able to pull back on the main leech).


The reefing line is run from the padeye, up to the cringle on the leech, down to the block and then forward along the side of the boom (some run it inside - maybe that's better if you reef a lot, around here we don't).


To reef, lower the main, one person hooks the little strap to the hook on the gooseneck, and another hauls in the leech line (my boat has a small winch on the side of the boom and a cleat just forward of that). When the line is tight, then secure it and hoist the main back up.


The single line system just continues the reefing line forward to the gooseneck and then through a block up to the cringle at the luff and back down to something to secure it. Sometimes people run this through a block at the base of the mast and then back to the cockpit - to a winch. Then one person can do the whole thing.


I hope I explained it OK.



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 3:53 PM

Subject: Stus-List Main Reefing System


I will put a reefing system in for the loose-footed main on my 29-2 this spring.  Would appreciate any suggestions or plans from all you knowledgeable folks out there.


John McLaughlin

C&C29 MKII,  "Falcon"

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