So where can I find the rating for 1981 C&C 30 MK1 All Hank on sails,
folding 2 blade prop with asy sail. PHRF?

On 2/8/13, Martin DeYoung <> wrote:
> Back in the late 70's or early 80's when PHRF was picking up speed in the
> PNW (IOR was the dominant rule at the time) it was referred to as Political
> Handicap Rating.
> If you want to see how little PHRFNW has progressed in nearly 40 years check
> out the Sailing Anarchy discussion on PHRFNW's unilateral and substantial
> increase in <0 ratings.
> I do not have a bone in the fight as Calypso is nowhere close to being a sub
> zero rated boat, in fact I rarely ever consider the class ratings when we
> race the boat as it is not kept in competitive condition.  We budget our
> sailing cost vs. fun ratio in a way that keeps us from buying new sails and
> polishing the bottom paint.
> Having said all that PHRF generally allows very different boats to sail
> against each other.  I do find it funny to be rated similar to a Soveral 33
> (+-6,000lbs) or owe time to a <10 year old planning hull design that runs
> laps around a C&C 43 in light air.  I do get even with the sporty boats when
> in a low speed close crossing/mark rounding situation I inform the sporty
> boat that they will need a liferaft before a protest flag if they stick
> their bow into that closing space.
> Martin
> Calypso
> 1970 C&C 43
> Seattle
> ________________________________
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis
> C.
> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 10:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Handicap review
> Sucks only if you're not in with the handicap committee. If you've got
> contacts on the rating committee and you own a boat that is one of a kind in
> your area, you're golden. That's why I call PHRF racing a "contact" sport.
> End of rant.
> Dennis C.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 8, 2013, at 12:02 PM, Colin Kilgour
> <<>> wrote:
> Man.... just skimming all this discussion makes it increasingly clear while
> sailboat racing is in decline.
> I've certainly got more than my share of racing trophies on the wall (both
> handicap and one-design) but this handicap stuff really sucks the soul out
> of the sport (IMO, of course)
> Cheers,
> Colin
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Bill Coleman
> <<>> wrote:
> C&C 39
> 99
> 2283
> 16.9
> 51.1
> 45.2
> 12.7
> 39.5
> 32
> 11.3
> 6.3
> 16000
> C&C 39 CUS1
> 99
> 2277
> 16.9
> 51.1
> 45.2
> 12.7
> 39.3
> 32
> 11.1
> 6.3
> 16000
> C&C 39 CUS2
> 99
> 2300
> 16.9
> 51
> 45.5
> 14.4
> 39.5
> 32
> 11.3
> 6.3
> 16000
> C&C 39 CUS3
> 99
> 2303
> 16.9
> 52.1
> 46
> 14.1
> 39.5
> 31.7
> 11.5
> 6.3
> 0
> 99.  These are our ratings up on the frozen north.    I imagine at least 2
> of these are not around anymore, all these 4 ratings have modifications,
> from keels to spars.
> I am probably the cus3, I got docked 6 seconds for adding a foot to my boom
> and a Roach Which, I might add was worth it.
> BTW, that 16000 should be 21000. Which would probably bring these ratings to
> 110.
> Bill Coleman

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to
change; the realist adjusts the sails.”

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