FYI - A couple years ago I got tired of waiting for help to go up the mast and picked up an ATN Mast Climber. It's pretty simple and very nice being able to go up the mast at my leisure. You can still share beer if you want.
From: [] On Behalf Of Edd Schillay Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 8:39 AM To: Subject: Stus-List Mystic Rendezvous -- A Favor? To: The Listers attending the C&C Rendezvous Earlier this season, I purchased the Tacktick Wireless system for wind, speed and depth -- and they work great. Problem is, I haven't had an opportunity to go up the mast and install the wind instrument -- Either been too windy or too wavy or not enough time when the crew has been aboard. Could I enlist the help of a couple of Listers to winch me up the mast on a couple of spinnaker halyards on the Saturday in Mystic? Plenty of beer on board as a reward, but you'll have to let me back down first. . . . All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Starship Enterprise C&C 37/40+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B City Island, NY Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website <> _____ No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.2221 / Virus Database: 2437/5266 - Release Date: 09/13/12
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