<<<Autopilots, GPS, Radar,  Furling..... all this stuff is supposed to make
our onboard lives more convenient, but at a COST. INCREASED RISK OF FAILURE.
As sailors, we are supposed to be able to deal with the worst case scenario,
and build up from there.>>>


Here Ya'go . . . . (an oldie but a goodie)

I must go down to the sea again, in a modern high-tech boat, 
And all I ask is electric, for comfort while afloat
And alternators, and solar panels, and generators going 
And deep cycle batteries with many amperes flowing.
I must go down to the sea again, to the autopilot's ways,
And all I ask is a GPS, and a radar, and displays,
And a cell phone, and a weather fax, and a short-wave radio
And compact disks, computer games and TV videos.
I must go down to the sea again, with a freezer full of steaks,
And all I ask is a microwave, and a blender for milkshakes, 
And a water maker, air-conditioner, hot water in the sink, 
And e-mail and a VHF to see what my buddies think.
I must go down to the sea again, with power-furling sails, 
And chart displays of all the seas, and a bullhorn for loud hails
And motors pulling anchor chains, and push-button sheets
And programs which take full charge of tacking during beats.
I must go down to the sea again, and not leave friends behind
And so they never get seasick we'll use the web online
And all I ask is an Internet with satellites over me
And beaming all the data up, my friends sail virtually.
I must go down to the sea again, record the humpback whales
Compute until I decipher their language and their tales, 
And learn to sing in harmony, converse beneath the waves
And befriend the gentle giants as my synthesizer plays.
I must go down to the sea again, with RAM in gigabytes,
And teraflops of processing for hobbies that I like,
And software suiting all my wants, seated at my console
And pushing on the buttons which give me complete control.
I must go down to the sea again, my concept seems quite sound, 
But when I simulate this boat, some problems I have found. 
The cost is astronomical, repairs will never stop, 
Instead of going sailing, I'll be shackled to the dock. 
I must go down to the sea again, how can I  get away?
Must I be locked in low-tech boats until my dying day?
Is there no cure for my complaint, no technologic fix?
Oh I fear, electric fever is a habit I can't kick.
 (found on a notice board in Fiji)

Bill Coleman
C&C 39

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