On Fri, Feb 22, 2013, at 05:51 AM, Rohit Yadav wrote:
> Jzb, I think ASF allows people to discuss things as an individual if
> that has to mean ask questions, or raise concerns. IMHO I spoke for
> the community, asking PPMC about what they would do for the community
> folks who're putting their efforts for months but may have been
> overlooked. And if you think I was "holding other folks feet to the
> fire", sure so does that mean I cannot ask questions or raise
> concerns, doubts? I'm sorry about that then, I was honest and
> opinions, words were mine alone.

We all discuss things *as* individuals, but it's not considered a good
practice to discuss individuals on a public list. As Hugo said, there's
no delete key for the Internet. It also puts people in an awkward
position to say "hey, give me your opinion of Mary right here in public.
Explain why you think she should or shouldn't be a committer, right here
where everyone else can see it." 

If you want "brainless" +1's that's the way to do it, because who wants
to be the one saying "no, I don't think Mary is a good candidate and
here's why"? It's bad enough to have to do that in private, who wants to
do that to someone's face *and* have it archived on a public list? 

By and large, I believe very strongly that we should conduct business in
the open. We should review code in the open. We should make decisions
about processes in the open. The few times I've been contacted
privately/off-list about decisions that need to be taken on the list,
I've always steered those back to the list. 

Discussing individuals (or legal matters) is the exception to that, for
the reasons I've already expressed and many others. 


Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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