Messages by Thread
[CfP] 2020 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop
Jason Hemann
Saite walkthrough, visualizing COVID-19 data
Daniel Slutsky
Second miniKanren Workshop CfP -- core.logic welcome!
Jason Hemann
Destructuring in Kotlin
Alan Thompson
[ANN] Full stack web development with Clojure/Script and Datomic step-by-step tutorial
Milan Toth
[ANN] re-learn 0.1.3 - data-driven tutorials for your reagent/re-frame app
Oliver Hine
italian government is making a fast call for contributions on telemedicine and data analysis solutions in order to contain the spread of Covid-19
How to include ClojureScript into HTML page?
nenad mitrovic
Clojars moved to new infrastructure
Toby Crawley
WebApp authentication and authorization - up-to-date information?
Rostislav Svoboda
Announcing GraphQLize - A Clojure library to build GraphQL API instantly from PostgreSQL and MySQL
Tamizhvendan S
COVID-19 related layoffs
Ag Ibragimov
Online Clojure COVID-19 Hackathon
Daniel Slutsky
Help test the new Clojars server
Toby Crawley
Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.10.2-alpha1
Clj on Win: Error building classpath
Daniel G. Gamonal
Scicloj meeting with Simon Belak:
Daniel Slutsky
[ANN] re-graph 0.1.12 - the GraphQL client for Clojure/script
Oliver Hine
Data Science in Clojure at Rails Girls Summer of Code
Daniel Slutsky
[ANN] Last 10 days for the Dutch Clojure Days CFP
Carlo Sciolla
quoting vs syntax quoting
Sonny To
[JOB] Software Engineer | Red Planet Labs | Fully distributed team
Nathan Marz
[ANN] superlifter - DataLoader for Clojure
Oliver Hine
ANN: jedi-time 0.2.1
DKIM signing
Brjánn Ljótsson
A controversial call to bump libraries from 0.x to 1.0
Matching Socks
[ANN] Skyscraper 0.3
Daniel Janus
Clojars deployment failing
Aaron D.
ANN: jedi-time 0.2.0
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.437
David Chelimsky
[ANN] - neanderthal-stick (Neanderthal matrix library extension)
Kamil Toman
Odd exception on lazy sequence
JNA stdout and the REPL
Sonny To
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.36.0 and com.walmartlabs/lacinia-pedestal 0.13.0
Howard Lewis Ship
[ANN] - libpython-clj news
Chris Nuernberger
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.430
David Chelimsky
Stack Overflow developer survey
Matching Socks
Bit rot and leiningen?
'Simon Brooke' via Clojure
Clojure Spec and Human Readable Error Messages
David Simmons
ANN: jedi-time 0.1.4
Re: Recursively convert Java Map to Clojure Map
Jason Ross
Feedback on datafy/nav project
[ANN] Juxt/Bidi routing library demo
Alan Thompson
Deep Learning for Programmers - Parts 2,3,4, and 5 completed
Dragan Djuric
[ANN] thurber: Clojure on Apache Beam (distributed batch/streaming)
[ANN] Tupelo Clojure I/O Utils - - 0.9.185
Alan Thompson
Clojupyter 0.3.0 released
Klaus Harbo
interp2 for Clojure
Charles Harvey III
[ANN] doo-chrome-devprotocol 0.1.1 - run your doo tests in Chrome without needing karma or npm
Oliver Hine
[ANN] proxy-plus: Faster and more usable replacement for "proxy"
Nathan Marz
2nd Call for Participation: BOB 2020 (February 28, Berlin, early-bird until Jan 20)
Michael Sperber
Clojurists Together call for proposals (4 projects $9,000 each)
Daniel Compton
[ANN] nippy-serializable-fns: Serialize and deserialize Clojure functions
Nathan Marz
Clojupyter 0.3.0beta1 released
Klaus Harbo
spec-alpha2 error with s/schema
AJ Gardner
6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCOM-2020)/April 25~26, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
jin soo
[ANN] Protege(MAS + Clojure + GIS) = NatureSimulation
Upcoming changes to Clojars
Toby Crawley
Numerical Linear Algebra for Programmers (Clojure book WIP) new release 0.5.0
Dragan Djuric