Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the first proper release of carmine-streams 
<https://github.com/oliyh/carmine-streams>, a library for working with 
Redis streams in Clojure using carmine.

Redis does a brilliant job of being fast with loads of features and Carmine 
does a brilliant job of exposing all the low-level Redis commands in 
Clojure. Working with Redis' streams API requires quite a lot of 
interaction to produce desirable high-level behaviour, and that is what 
this library provides.

carmine-streams allows you to create streams and consumer groups, consume 
streams reliably, deal with failed consumers and unprocessable messages and 
gain visibility on the state of it all with a few simple functions.

For example, consuming a stream via a consumer group is as simple as this:

(require '[carmine-streams.core :as cs])
(def conn-opts {})

(def stream (cs/stream-name "sensor-readings"))        ;; -> 
(def group (cs/group-name "persist-readings"))         ;; -> 
(def consumer (cs/consumer-name "persist-readings" 0)) ;; -> 

(cs/create-consumer-group! conn-opts stream group)

(def opts {:block 5000})

 (cs/start-consumer! conn-opts
                     #(println "Yum yum, tasty message" %)

More details are in the readme. It's available now on Clojars.

Thanks and enjoy,

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