Messages by Thread
undocumented one-argument call of reducer
Brian Craft
Clojure conference :clojureD 23 Feb 2019
[ANN] metasoarous/oz 1.5.1 - clojure dataviz updates (jupyter notebooks, markdown extensions, and static export, oh my!)
Christopher Small
Re: [ANN] metasoarous/oz 1.5.1 - clojure dataviz updates (jupyter notebooks, markdown extensions, and static export, oh my!)
Niels van Klaveren
Re: [ANN] metasoarous/oz 1.5.1 - clojure dataviz updates (jupyter notebooks, markdown extensions, and static export, oh my!)
Chris Nuernberger
Re: [ANN] metasoarous/oz 1.5.1 - clojure dataviz updates (jupyter notebooks, markdown extensions, and static export, oh my!)
Christopher Small
Re: [ANN] metasoarous/oz 1.5.1 - clojure dataviz updates (jupyter notebooks, markdown extensions, and static export, oh my!)
Duncan McGreggor
How should I debug a poorly performing small web app, using Jetty?
lawrence . krubner
Any way to replace function body?
Janko Muzykant
Learn Clojure - Syntax Test your knowledge No4. question.
David Chelimsky
Issue with spec-ing higher-order functions; clojure.lang.AFunction$1 cannot be cast to clojure.lang.MultiFn
Josip Gracin
Online meeting: clojure data science
Daniel Slutsky
using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
lawrence . krubner
Re: using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
lawrence . krubner
Re: using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
lawrence . krubner
Re: using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
lawrence . krubner
Re: using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
Chris Nuernberger
Re: using durable-queue, works locally, get :time-out when moving to an EC2
lawrence . krubner
NoSuchMethodError when AOT'ing with Clojure 1.10
Matthew Phillips
[ANN] Bract: Data-driven Application initialisation framework
Shantanu Kumar
Custom vectors/maps and sequence functions
plamen . usenet
Issue when moving to Clojure 1.10
David Chelimsky
Re: [ANN] tools.deps.alpha 0.6.480 and clj are now available.
Sean Corfield
Re: [ANN] tools.deps.alpha 0.6.474 and clj
Sean Corfield
Re: State of Clojure 2019 Survey!
Sean Corfield
[ANN] Stringer (v0.3.1) - fast string concatenation
Shantanu Kumar
Clojurists Together Q1 2019 call for proposals
Daniel Compton
[ANN] rep 0.1.1 - A single-shot nREPL client designed for shell invocation
Jason Felice
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.31.0 and com.walmartlabs/lacinia-pedestal 0.11.0
Howard Lewis Ship
Await on agent triggers watch functions
Oleksandr Shulgin
[ANN] releasing scope-capture-nrepl 0.3.0
Val Waeselynck
[ANN] Calfpath (v0.7.1), a fast and flexible Ring request router
Shantanu Kumar
Attempting to call unbound function in Hadoop (cluster mode) runs fine on single node.
How does Executors/newScheduledThreadPool know how or where to parallelize work?
lawrence . krubner
[ANN] CIDER 0.19
Bozhidar Batsov
Reify (run vs cloverage) (single node vs cluster)
ANN - tech.resource
Chris Nuernberger
clj deps.edn :git overture rejected by ssh server, citing dss
Matching Socks
[ANN] [com.stuartsierra/component "0.4.0"]
Stuart Sierra
[JOB] Multiple roles | Board Intelligence (London, UK / Remote)
Patrik Sundberg
Can reify/deftype produce static methods? How?
Laurens Van Houtven
Why did this compile? It's an obvious syntax mistake
lawrence . krubner
error in process filter: Stack overflow in regexp matcher
nenad mitrovic
Exception: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "main"
lawrence . krubner
[ANN] Pedestal.ions 0.1.1
Daniel De Aguiar
Call for Participation: BOB 2019 (March 22, Berlin)
Michael Sperber
[ANN] respeced 0.0.1: a small library that helps to test fdefs
Michiel Borkent
Using for simple CAD/geometry
Laurens Van Houtven
Michiel Borkent
Understanding tap
Mark Engelberg
[ANN] rep 0.1.0 - A single-shot nREPL client (hence no 'L')
Jason Felice
[ANN] Pedestal 0.5.5
Daniel De Aguiar
[ANN] Arcadia 1.0.0-beta: Clojure in Unity
Tims Gardner
Building a formatter like gofmt for Clojure
Daniel Compton
[ANN] deps.edn dependency viewer
Chris Nuernberger
Clojure 1.10 issue: thrown? no longer works on macros
Mark Engelberg
[ANN] Insn 0.4.0 - Functional JVM bytecode generation for Clojure
[ANN] better-cond 2.0.2
Mark Engelberg
[ANN] Oz 1.4.0 - Interactive data visualizations and scientific documents with Vega/Vega-Lite
Christopher Small
What do Clojure developers use for recurring functions, other than at-at
lawrence . krubner
[ANN] Clojure 1.10 has been released!
Alex Miller