P.S. This is a question about clarification/advice, not a critique to 
Clojure, as it actually works as advertised :)

On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 2:58:07 PM UTC+1, plamen...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello all
> while working on a daily basis where I use Clojure's native vectors/maps I 
> almost never experience the problem and even if - it is easy fixable with 
> something like (into [] ...), I have the following problem with custom data 
> structures and ask here for clarification if my understanding is correct.
> Imagine I try on the one side to represent something like a database table 
> in memory, while on the other to make it pluggable into all meaningful 
> sequence and vector/map functions in Clojure. In the most naive 
> implementation a table is a vector of maps. If i would like to add more 
> functionality, while trying to remain transparent to Clojure functions I 
> could implement a custom Record type (IPersistentMap etc.) for the rows 
> (for a custom storage, for column ordering, type checking etc.) and this 
> works. I could also implement a custom Table (IPersistentVector etc.) for 
> the actual collection of records while maintaining internally some indexes, 
> the schema of the table etc. The point is that if possible to apply let say 
> (filter.. or (take 2 ..., (sort .. incl. define/apply transducers. or 
> whatever other Clojure function compatible with these interfaces on the 
> Table/IPersistentVector/IPersistentCollection and get back a Table. 
> What I know:
> 1. Clojure's doc actually says that sequence functions return sequences 
> and say nothing about preserving the original type, the implementations of 
> the sequence functions do actually as advertised and return usually Cons-es.
> 2. monads, yes, but the point is not to force the user to use custom 
> functions instead of the built in ones.
> 3. IPersistentCollection has first/next/more methods which could return a 
> Table instead of a Record or a collection of them.
> 4. IPersistentVector has a cons method, but it is used by Clojure's conj 
> for example, but not inside the implementations of filter/take etc. which 
> create actual Cons objects
> 5. I could attach table like descriptions to each Record object (be it in 
> its metadata or else), but then enforcing that all Records share the same 
> Table data could get penalizing at runtime.
> 6. I know how Incanter and core.matrix try to solve some similar problems.
> 7. there are some vector functions which return actual vectors back (like 
> filterv, mapv), but also not the original collection type.
> So - do I miss something either in my knowledge or in the Clojure's 
> documentation/implementation and is there a meaningful way to apply 
> Clojure's and not mine filter/map/take/drop/sort etc. functions on a Table 
> and to get a Table back, without going the monads/own functions for 
> everything route or should I take it for granted that I can implement some 
> custom types, but no way to get them be fully transparent to Clojure?
> With best regards
> Plamen

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