Hi all!

I'm one of this year's students accepted to the Google Summer of Code for 
a Clojure project. (Thanks to Alex Miller for supporting my application!) 
those who like to decide from the first paragraph whether they will read on 
not: the goal of my project is to develop a model for Clojure source 
(most of them are documentation) and ways to capture and publish them. The
following two paragraphs are taken from my project proposal:

 ❧ To the joy of the community, the number of Clojure-based libraries is
steadily growing. To the dismay of the community, there is no agreed-upon 
way of
getting information about those libraries' APIs. We have API documentation
generators for individual libraries, like Autodoc or Codox. And we have big
overview sites like Grimoire and CrossClj. None of them are comprehensive. 
provide their information in a human-friendly way. Only some cater for the

The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive and extensible model 
describing Clojure sources from an API perspective. I will also write a 
that analyses Clojure sources according to this model and outputs data
documenting their usage. This could be compared to Javadoc, but emitting 
data to
be consumed by other tools instead of HTML. In order to foster adoption, I 
provide extensive  documentation, including examples of such consumer 
tools, and
emphasize active communication with the community. ☙

The project idea comes from Alex Miller, who also is my mentor, together 
Reid McKenzie. Coding for the GSoC hasn't started yet. – Until 24 April 
we're in
the warmup phase called community bonding. I wanted to use this time for 
ideas and feedback from you, so I've prepared some questions as a starting

 - Who is interested in the project?
    - What would you like to see?
 - Who has done/thought about similar things?
    - What have you done?
    - How have you done it?
    - What have you found? – Difficulties, annoyances, surprises.
    - What would you like to see?
    - What is important to you?
    - Have you built something that I might reuse?
 - What else comes to your mind?

There are many things out there which are more or less closely related to my

 - cljs.info: https://github.com/cljsinfo
 - Autodoc: https://github.com/tomfaulhaber/autodoc
 - Codox: https://github.com/weavejester/codox
 - Grimoire: http://conj.io/
 - CrossClj: https://crossclj.info/
 - ClojureDocs: https://clojuredocs.org/
 - Clojure Atlas: http://www.clojureatlas.com/

I would be especially happy to receive input from the people involved in 

Reading this might help not having to say things again that have been said
before: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/clojure/E1oxVE4UMxQ/discussion

I wish everyone a good summer!


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