Am Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015 07:17:54 UTC+9 schrieb kovasb:
> I'm mostly interested in something like 

Thanks for the idea! There is, 
which you might know already. Maybe something like that could also be 
integrated with the output of my project.

But let me clarify again, because maybe this hasn't come across clearly 
enough: my project is not about creating another tool for generating 
documentation pages. Rather, I want to think about what aspects of Clojure 
code describe how to use a namespace. That's vars, records etc. along with 
their doc strings, argument lists etc. and positional information. I have 
to think how these can be captured and then output as data in various ways. 
That could be storing in Datomic, deploying to Clojars and so on. Other 
tools can then use these data for their purposes like building 
documentation pages or recording the evolution of the API like Codeq.

@Alex Miller: If I'm mangling your ideas, please correct me!


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