On Sep 16, 4:10 pm, Nicolas Oury <nicolas.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The logged function would have to be already a generic method, no?

Yes, and in idiomatic Common Lisp that's not particularly common
(pardon the pun). Generic functions are typically only used when
dynamic dispatch is actually needed. However, you can achieve what the
OP asked by doing something like (untested):

(let ((original-fn (symbol-function 'foo)))
  (setf (symbol-function 'foo) (lambda (&rest args) ...whatever...
(apply original-fn args))))

which is similar to the alter-var-root solution proposed upthread.
Note also that the OP's original example does not require anything
more than what defmacro already provides. And turning function calls
into macro calls is not a great idea; it won't cover the use of apply
and similar.

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