
My clojure is fairly weak, but the particular example given would be
accomplished in common lisp using generic methods and the  :around


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Alan <> wrote:

> My guess is no. It would remove a huge benefit of Clojure, which is
> that you can tell, without having to look over the whole codebase,
> exactly what a given form does. (my-thing 20 [x y]) invokes my-thing,
> a function or macro, with 20 as its first argument, and then a vector
> of locals. No need to hunt down x and y, they're in the lexical scope;
> no need to guess at the syntax for my-thing. If you can have magical
> functions that transparently adjust forms all over the codebase, it
> becomes extremely difficult to be sure of what some code is doing,
> even without "abuse".
> Also, metamacros would be very hard to write *right*. Two of them
> might compete over a chunk of code, accidentally falling into infinite
> co-recursion. Layering them would be very tricky, too: do you apply
> them before or after regular macros? If you try to do both you may end
> up compiling forever, alternating between different types of macro
> expansions. But suppose you want to write your logging function to
> modify all function definitions, and someone has written this code:
> (def call-listish (fn [fn elem] (fn [elem] 10)))
> How on earth will you know that the first instance of (fn [x] y) is a
> function declaration, and the second isn't?
> On Sep 15, 11:03 am, Luke VanderHart <>
> wrote:
> > Any thoughts? I grant you, the potential for abuse is huge. Would the
> > benefits outweigh it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Luke V.
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