I said that the java world has rallied around maven _repos_.

Ivy uses maven repos. So your 200 developers _have_ in fact embraced
maven repos like most people. It is the only package repository game
in town. :)

I think Ant + Ivy is a very nice solution for Java. If there was a DRY
way to adapt it to multi-module clojure I would try that too.  I think
"Ties" is probably closure to what I want though, if it were brought
up to date.

On Apr 2, 3:10 pm, Korny Sietsma <ko...@sietsma.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:39 AM, dysinger <dysin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Java world for good or bad has rallied
> > around maven repos.  There are 10s of thousands of libs "up in there".
> While there are lots of Java / Maven users, there are also a lot who *don't*
> use it, and indeed many who actively avoid stuff that is locked in to Maven
> and it's associated complexity.  It's popular, yes, but I'd debate that the
> Java world has "rallied around" maven...
> My workplace (200-ish developers) is mostly Java based, and we used to use
> Maven 1 for a few core projects, went through some pain trying to move them
> to Maven 2, gave up, and have been quite happy since then working with Ivy
> and Ant.
> I'm sure maven has a lot of benefits in many workplaces, and I'm sure it's
> more stable and reliable than it was when Maven 2 was brand new :-}  But
> personally, I still get post-traumatic flashbacks whenever I see the words
> "simple" and "maven" in the same sentence :)
> - Korny
> --
> Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
> "Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
> that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
> isn't thinking of"
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