Comments below mixed in...

On Apr 2, 3:35 am, Paul Stadig <> wrote:
> This works great for Java libraries, but only libraries that are in a maven
> repo. How hard is it to get code into a repo? What about java libraries not
> in a maven repo, or clojure code like clojure-json on GitHub?

You can add the dependency in your pom.  If maven can't find it, it
will show you the one-liner command to manually install the jar and
then you are off to the races. If you want to make it easy on other
people you just whip up a quick pom.xml (like I did for clojure &

> 1. You could set up your own repo. Ok. Cool, but not the easiest to setup
> and maintain, plus you need a server.
> 2. You could install dependencies in your local repo. Cool, if the project
> happens to be using maven and you can to "mvn install". Uncool, if you have
> to manually "install" it into your local repo. Also uncool, because I see my
> local repo more as a cache that can sometimes get crufty and can be cleared
> out if I need the disk space. Maven *should* be able to re-download my
> dependencies and put them in my local repo, but not so for these manual
> workarounds.
> 3. ???

It's easy enough to work with it. You have several options.  I just
use maven to get the jars that I need in the right place and whip up a
repl script for SLIME with the right classpath.  I only need to call
it one time to do this and then I have the regular src, bin, lib, etc
dirs in my project ready to roll - all generated from a 20-ish line
pom file.

> I'm not trying to be disparaging. If this works for someone, I think it is
> pretty slick. I'm still of the mind that there could be something better.

I agree.  I would like to see an all Clojure builder like Buildr or
Ties that can use maven repos but doesn't require XML files.

> Something that can pull from a maven repo as needed, but also pull from
> other sources like github, sourceforge, google code, etc. I'm just spoiled

That's hard to do if the projects don't all adapt the same layout and
dependency management.  The Java world for good or bad has rallied
around maven repos.  There are 10s of thousands of libs "up in there".

> by rubygems. This is an existence proof that there can be a simple way to
> download and setup dependencies (not without foibles).
> Perhaps if there was a Clojure Maven Repo (CMR) where people could easily
> get their code distributed, then I would feel satisfied.

If you do 'mvn package' or 'mvn install' with my pom it will jar up
your clojure code and you can then write other clojure libs that
depend on the 1st one.

Again I am not a Maven fanatic.  I am just trying to find a way to DRY
the project structure for all my components and also leverage the
bazillion lines of java code out there easily.

> What happened to the ClojureForge idea from Did anything come
> about from that, Drew? Perhaps just hosting CMR with some way to signup for
> an account to be able to "mvn deploy"?
> Paul
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:25 AM, dysinger <> wrote:
> > ...for easy dependency management and no-compile project setup.
> >
> > Using maven only for the dependency management and to create a custom
> > repl script allows me to still use emacs/slime for dynamic development
> > of clojure code.
> > My motivation is 3 fold:
> > 1) I have lots of small modules and want convention over configuration
> > (no boiler plate ant scripts or other such cut and paste)
> > 2) I want access to the kabazillion libraries in the maven repos -
> > just go look at for example.
> > 3) Although I spent 10 years on Java, I am a dynamic language fan.  I
> > don't care or want to AOT compile at the moment. I just want to setup
> > the libraries that my clojure code depends on and start writing /
> > prototyping clojure code in Emacs SLIME.
> > I would love to hear some feedback and/or what other people have been
> > working on.
> > -Tim
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