On Jan 15, 12:09 am, bOR_ <boris.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I remember from 5 years ago that a collegue of mine improved a
> diffusion algorithm for a successor of me by some heavy algorithms. My
> own algorithm was a simple loop-over-the- array once, dump-a-fraction-
> of-each-cell-into-spatially-neighbouring-cells-in-the-new-array, and
> sum what is in every cell of the new array (you are doing the same
> thing, right?). However, there are far faster algorithms.
> If you are interested, I'll inquire.

It's just idle curiosity on my part but Asbjørn may very well be
interested ;-)

"Dump a fraction of each cell into spatially neighbouring cells in the
new array" is a stationary iterative method, probably Jacobi iteration
(since there is a "new array" -- Asbjørn is recycling the "old" array
so he is doing Gauss-Seidel iteration).  Gauss-Seidel often converges
a bit faster but the "heavy algorithms" (FFT, multigrid,
preconditioned iterative solvers) converge much faster.  However there
is a higher setup cost with some of these and for the application it's
not clear whether an accurate solve is needed.

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