
On 18 Dez., 14:09, Mibu <mibu.cloj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An editor for a lisp language is not just a text editor for the source
> that you then compile. It's an environment that interacts with a REPL.

We should stay on the carpet, shouldn't we? If you have such an
environment, fine. I use vim, which is undoubtedly one of the most
powerful editors out there. But until recently I copy'n'pasted my code
into the Repl. No SLIME here. Still I could edit Clojure code. This
is just a matter of convenience.

> So people can't just use whatever they've been using. The python
> example only strengthens my argument. Python comes with IDLE which is,
> similar to many lisp environments, a development environment with an
> interactive prompt, editor, debugger, etc. Very simple, yet complete
> and right there for someone new to the language.

Now we turn back time to approx. one year after the first
official Python release. Was there an IDLE? One year after
the first official release of Perl. Was there a CPAN? (Honest
questions, but I suspect both answers to be "No")

There is so much going on at the editor front at the moment:
- emacs + SLIME
- a jedit mode
- enclojure for netbeans
- eclipse plugin
- vim + gorilla

If you just want to get started, use whatever you have, or
Clojure Box to get an emacs + SLIME combination working
out of the box, preconfigured, ready to repl away.

Regarding syntax highlighting and indenting, the Vim mode
is state of the art. I'm working on Gorilla to bring a SLIME-like
feeling to the Vim world.

Everything is in motion and develops. Maybe you just have
the wrong expectations? Remember: Clojure was released
*one* year ago! And now have again a look at the community.
Everything is humming with activity. That not everything
is ready to use is not surprising.

So dear newbies: have some patience. Clojure is a language
developing at a breath-taking pace. If you are learning not
only Clojure, but also FP for example, then step back and
wait for 1.0 to let the development stabilise or bring patience
with you.

Of course, there are still things missing, but the community
is working on it. So don't turn Clojure down, because it's
not perfect, yet.


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