On Dec 18, 1:20 pm, Jan Rychter <j...@rychter.com> wrote:
> I don't buy it. When you start using Python, nobody handholds you so
> that you can pick an editor. You just use whatever you have. So what's
> the deal here?

An editor for a lisp language is not just a text editor for the source
that you then compile. It's an environment that interacts with a REPL.
So people can't just use whatever they've been using. The python
example only strengthens my argument. Python comes with IDLE which is,
similar to many lisp environments, a development environment with an
interactive prompt, editor, debugger, etc. Very simple, yet complete
and right there for someone new to the language.

I think people new to something can't or won't deal with too many
tangential issues. That's why selecting an IDE, dealing with
classpaths, using svn, finding out where's the latest version, what
are the right docs, or as you mentioned, how to install a library, or
even how to indent your code are all issues that aren't going away,
but shouldn't distract a new adopter who is still trying to get the
hang of things. Options are good, but choices are painful, especially
to people who feel insecure in their knowledge and judgment because
they just got here. Their insecurity is justified.

That's why I think definitive defaults are important for adoption of
new things. Especially lispy things that look oh-so-foreign.

On the same matter, you mentioned a central repository for libraries.
I'm with you on that one. I also think a central spot to congregate
around is important. IIRC, Rich wants the community to solve this
issue by itself (maybe just the build mechanism issue, I don't
remember exactly), and in a sense this matter will be solved
eventually this way. I still think it would have been much better if
an authoritative figure would come up and say, "let's meet over
there." Btw, this is exactly what Rich did with the google group, the
irc channel, and the wiki. He essentially said let's meet over there,
and we all did. Unfortunately, not so with a central repo for external

If anyone is interested in the subject of why excess choice is bad, I
highly recommend this short and very thought-provoking talk by Barry


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