
7-Янв-2005 21:32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter J. Holzer) wrote to ClamAV users ML

>>      Infected machine _isn't_ _rare_ situation.
PJH> No, but
PJH> 1) I think real viruses which infect other programs are getting rare.

     For me, as victim of virus like CIH, is unimportant that this virus is
"rare". BTW, CIH infects almost all executables in system. I fear to
imagine, what happens, if ClamAV will be runned on such machine (and ClamAV
removes almost all, including itself)...

PJH> I certainly can't remember when I've seen the last one :-) These

     _I_ seen infected machines, and not in too distant days.

PJH> non-internet methods of delivering updates. If you don't have internet
PJH> access, maybe you should ask whether someone could mail the updates to
PJH> you.

     Even if updates will not distributed through maillist officialy, I may
download them from ftp (_if_ this access will be opened). But how to inject
updates without disturbing my (isolated) machine by fat error-prone pigs
like IIS or Apache?

>> JM> doing is attempting to make a program fit where it was not designed.  I
>>      Hm. There was promotions, that ClamAV is comparable to other commercial
>> _antiviruses_, and I, as free software preferer, was plan to use it as my
>> (main) antivirus on my home machine.
PJH> Since ClamAV is advertised as "a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX"

     Promotions, which I hear, lost suffix "for UNIX". And, I download not
"for UNIX" distributive.

PJH> Like any good tool, ClamAV is used for tasks for which it wasn't
PJH> designed. However, if you do that, you must be prepared to invest a
PJH> little work by yourself, and can't expect everything to work out of the
PJH> box.

     This is why I subscribed to this group and try to ask. But I get even
answers with proposal to use carrier pigeons... :(


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