On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 16:53, Freddie Cash wrote:
> You're missing the main point of ClamAV:  it's a server-based virus 
> scanner for e-mail.
> It's not a workstation AV solution.  Just because some people try to 
> shoe-horn it into a workstation AV solution does not mean that it is 
> designed for that purpose.  Look at the virus database for ClamAV:  
> there's only ~22,000 viruses listed, 95% of which are all spread 
> through e-mail.  Compare that to a commercial, workstation AV solution 
> that has over ~80,000 different viruses, from true file-borne viruses, 
> to boot-sector viruses, to polymorphic Win32 viruses.

To keep your numbers in perspective, there are only ~1500 viruses listed
in the entire WildList. And I don't believe that 95% figure either.


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