
8-Янв-2005 12:18 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter J. Holzer) wrote to ClamAV users ML

>> >>      Infected machine _isn't_ _rare_ situation.
>> PJH> 1) I think real viruses which infect other programs are getting rare.
>>      For me, as victim of virus like CIH, is unimportant that this virus is
>> "rare".
PJH> Ah, first you claim that it isn't rare, now you don't care whether it is
PJH> rare.

     Where is contradiction? I state, that infected machines are not rare,
but even _if_ they are rare, then for victims this is unimportant.

>> BTW, CIH infects almost all executables in system. I fear to
>> imagine, what happens, if ClamAV will be runned on such machine (and ClamAV
>> removes almost all, including itself)...
PJH> Don't run a virus scanner on an already infected system - you can't

     There is not always possible to make scanning of infected system
through (guaranteedly) clean environment, especialy when we say about home
machine and/or near no other (clean) machine and/or near no bootable media
with (Clam)AV and/or machine owned by beginner.

PJH> trust it (especially not if it has been infected itself). Boot from a

     This is one reason, why I will not mess myself with NT/XP, and from
Windows family prefer Win98, which I may handle outside it (from DOS).

>>      Even if updates will not distributed through maillist officialy, I may
>> download them from ftp (_if_ this access will be opened).
PJH> How is FTP an improvement over HTTP?

     ftpmail services are more stable and less restricted.

PJH> (Are there still FTP-Mail gateways?


PJH> Seriously: Setting up different ways of distribution costs time and
PJH> money. Distributing updates via mail has been discussed on this list
PJH> and it was determined that the cost would be prohibitive (to be fair,

     Why? What and how much costs there?

PJH> 2) You don't need freshclam to do the updates, but if you update
PJH>    manually, you also have to restart clamd and check for errors
PJH>    manually.

     Which "errors"?

PJH>    (And I guess most people here consider having to do this
PJH>    about once per day unacceptable - Unix sysadmins are lazy).

     This is my headache.


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