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On 1/10/2005 at 8:14 PM Nigel Horne wrote:

>On Monday 10 Jan 2005 20:10, Carl Thompson wrote:
>> Its still connecting to the local machine via unix socket and not
>attempting connection to the remote machine.
>Check you don't have LocalSocket set in clamd.conf

I have it on localsocket on the mail server (cause it wouldn't connect to 
remote server) but have it on remote server as tcp socket on port 3310 and 
netstat confirms its running and bound to port 3310.

The remote server is working fine with its local email using the tcp port just 
the mail server wont connect to the remote server on port 3310 to use its clamd.

Does the local box (mail server) need to have localsocket commented out in its 

What I was trying to do was not run clamd at all on mail server but on the 
remote server.

Also should it be -s ip or -s ip:port


>> Carl
>Nigel Horne. Arranger, Composer, Typesetter.
>NJH Music, Barnsley, UK.  ICQ#20252325
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.bandsman.co.uk


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