You're missing the main point of ClamAV: it's a server-based virus scanner for e-mail.
It's not a workstation AV solution. Just because some people try to shoe-horn it into a workstation AV solution does not mean that it is designed for that purpose. Look at the virus database for ClamAV: there's only ~22,000 viruses listed, 95% of which are all spread through e-mail. Compare that to a commercial, workstation AV solution that has over ~80,000 different viruses, from true file-borne viruses, to boot-sector viruses, to polymorphic Win32 viruses. These are two very different beasts. ClamAV is mainly used to prevent the spread of viruses. It's sole purpose, really, is to prevent viruses from entering your network through e-mail. If a virus does get through, it's up to you to find another AV solution to clean it off the individual workstations. Think of ClamAV as a plastic bubble around your house that prevents airborne viruses from entering your house. It keeps new viruses out, but you can't use it to clean a virus off your piano. -- Freddie Cash, CCNT CCLP Helpdesk / Network Support Tech. School District 73 (250) 377-HELP [377-4357] [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________