We tend to forward the postmaster account off our each of our mail
servers to other central servers that the admins read it on. If the
postmaster account receives a virus (they are fairly popular addresses
for spam and virus email) they will try to forward it on. The problem is
if that central server is using ClamAV it will bounce the message back
to the originating server.

It would be fine if the originating server never got the virus in the
first place, but we have to run ClamAV in an "accept on time-out" mode
in case the milter has disappeared, so it is quite possible that viruses
end up on the machine.

This wouldn't be so bad except that sendmail doesn't like it when
postmaster is undeliverable and will stop processing the rest of the
mail queue.

Any general ideas? One idea was adding using "nobodyreturn" in the
sendmail PrivacyOptions.

Or is there a way (or a plan) to make ClamAV per-user configurable so we
can just accept all postmaster mail? We use clamav-milter, I suppose
that is a consideration as well. Some other milters could possibly
handle it differently...

Thanks all. (and special thanks to Nigel who has been working on a bug
to fix a memory consumption issue that will really help us out).

Robert Schmidt -- UNIX Tech Support
MC1021 519-888-4567 x6453

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