On Thursday 27 November 2003 9:10 pm, Christoph Cordes wrote:

> BWA>   You've got to be kidding.  Did the user take the hint when you had
> BWA> trouble replying because you were laughing too hard?
> Why kidding? Just see it like this: The system doesnīt deliver a message
> that is adressed to a user. And as a matter of fact there are users that
> donīt like the idea to be patronized like this. And keep in mind that not
> everything that clam recognizes as a threat is one to everyone. Take BO2K
> for example - to me itīs a Backdoor - to someone else itīs a Remote
> administration tool. Or what about a "Joke-virus"?

Looked at from the other point of view, however, what justification can there 
be for delivering such viruses to people (assuming the people are not 
anti-virus researchers), because if you're running an anti-virus service for 
them (and therefore presumably they're either your customers or else work for 
the same company as you do), it's your job to cut out the viruses, not theirs 
to want to play with them.

If people want to play with viruses, they shouldn't have an email account 
which blocks them.


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fighting against the two most destructive forces in the universe:
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 - Damian Conway, Perl God

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