On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 12:25:01PM -0800, Brian W. Antoine wrote:
> At 11:11 AM 11/27/03, you wrote:
> >    Unfortunately not all our users are happy of the situation
> >    when they cannot get e-mails with viruses in them.
>   You've got to be kidding.  Did the user take the hint when you had
> trouble replying because you were laughing too hard? 

users are a strage breed. they first want to be able to send the 
email and get it through with out the virus. then they want
the warning. then they want it disabled... its always the same.

Eduardo Kaftanski
Red Hat Certified Engineer/Instructor/Examiner
Gerente Ingenieria LinuxCenter S.A.
Canada 239 5to Piso, Providencia, Stgo de Chile.
http://www.linuxcenter.cl 2745000

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