Hello Brian,

Thursday, November 27, 2003, 9:25:01 PM, you wrote:

BWA> At 11:11 AM 11/27/03, you wrote:
>>    Unfortunately not all our users are happy of the situation
>>    when they cannot get e-mails with viruses in them.

BWA>   You've got to be kidding.  Did the user take the hint when you had
BWA> trouble replying because you were laughing too hard? 

Why kidding? Just see it like this: The system doesnīt deliver a message that is 
adressed to a user. And as a matter of fact there are users that donīt like the idea 
to be patronized like this. And keep in mind that not everything that clam recognizes 
as a threat is one to everyone. Take BO2K for example - to me itīs a Backdoor - to 
someone else itīs a Remote administration tool. Or what about a "Joke-virus"? Many 
AV-Companies recognized this problem already and they offer solutions for it 
(KAV,McAfee,H+B EDV for example). And if you run Clam as an ISP it can be a real 
problem, if you have a user that demands this messages to be delivered you have a lot 
of work while sort them out. 

Best regards,
 Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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