ben via cctalk wrote:

> On 2025-03-13 10:47 a.m., Holm Tiffe via cctalk wrote:
> > > Of course, now this could all be built on a few FPGAs, and get vastly 
> > > higher
> > > performance.
> Most designs seem to 8 bitter's, and all memory fits in block ram.
> Once you hit external ram/rom things slow down again.
> > 
> > That's the point where the fun least for me. Yes, I've done
> > some designs on Altera CPLDs (schematic entry only), bought a book about
> > Verilog and one about VHDL .. but spare time is low...
> > 
>  ADHL is a nice way to program CPLD's and FPGA's.
>  I tried using Altera fpga's, but routing never worked reliable for me.
>  Since every brand of FPGA is just a little different, I never could port
> stuff using Verlog or VHDL.
> WinCUPL is what I use to program CPLD's (Amtel) now.
> > I don't even want to build a "fast" computer ...nice if it's fast, but
> > it isn't necessary.
> > I'm sitting on a PC with an Ryzen 5-3600 and 64Gbyte RAM (no, no Flash
> > disk, but a RAID arry of fast SAS "spinning rust" disks..)
> For building stuff, your choice of crystal oscillators is really limited
> so you are stuck with common speeds. Making it fast might not be possible if
> your timing is off by a few nS and you have to pick the next
> slower sized oscillator.
> > > 
> > > Yes, a small peripheral controller would be a much more practical project.
> > > 
> > > Jon
> I keep thinking of a old 7 track mag tape drive replacement,
> with fake spinning reels and compact flash card hidden inside.
> 9 track would have wi-fi to the cloud.
> > Exactly.
> > First is to get something running..
> > 
> > In the old AM29xx Docs (Donnamaye E. White) are even "controllers"
> > described that don't use any ALU at all, but an AM2910 only.
> > As long you don't have to shuffle some data, this will be sufficient..
> > (Coffee machine?)
> Come on, use a PI for the coffee machine, it has to be connected to the
> net so the world knows when the brew is done. :)
> > Regards,
> > Holm
> > 
> Ben.

Ben what's your intention for participating ont this list?


       Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,, Holm Tiffe, 
        Goethestrasse 15, 09569 Oederan, USt-Id: DE253710583 Tel +49 37292 709778 Mobil: 0172 8790 741

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