ISTR that some time ago I read mention here about an EPROM fast enough to
approach PROM speeds; anyone share that recollection, or even have a
source/part no.?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 12:47 PM Holm Tiffe via cctalk <> wrote:

> Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> [..]
> > >
> > > Later I could try to build something with the 49C402, AM29116 or
> WS59032
> > > to save PCB space.. All that stuff is already in my stash of parts,
> > > besides many 2901,2903,2909,11,10 etc...
> > > Maybe I'm trying to get that PCB with the four AM29203 and AM2910 from
> > > GE to life first.
> > >
> > The 2903 was a VERY nice bit slice chip, it could do single-cycle
> multiply
> > and divide, as it had an extra shift register for the multiplier bits.
> ...and you can expand the Registers externally with AM29705 (AM29707)
> >  The
> > 29203 is pin compatible, but faster.  Once I got the whole system
> running, I
> > planned to upgrade to the 29203. I had planned to make device controllers
> > with 4 74S181s and a dual-port ram chip for registers, and the control
> store
> > would be 27C32 EPROMs of the fastest grade.  I was hoping to get 4 MIPS
> from
> > these.
> The 49C402 has an expanded Register set (64 words instead of 16), an double
> set of ALU Commands.  Don't know if it is the same as on the 2903/203. It
> contains
> the carry readahed circuity too and is 60% faster IDT says...
> The 27C32 would be the bottleneck. I've bought some used AM27C291 in the
> past (and compatible Parts from Cypress and TI).
> I've pesteres the german company Conitec to implement device support for
> those for ther GALEP Devices. Send 10 chips to them and got a Mail later
> that they would need more..they where noe all defective now...
> The Read Support was added for the GALEP III and IV ..but I'm would'nt
> pay additionally and finally build a prommer fort those differential
> Eproms myself. I'ts working and no Chip hat to die for it...
> But even with those Eproms  (25..55ns) it would be impractical to build
> an control store  for a single experimental device out of it. I've build
> an control store out of old cache RAMs (8kx8). (A friend of mine collected
> many of them for me..out of old 486 Mainboards) An Atmega16 with an 4Mbit
> Atmel Dataflash could store the Microcode and load it in the WCS.
> There are still some Pipeline Registers to solder in and finally to write
> the Software for the AVR.'s laying around for years now. :-|
> This all was before I knew about IDT71502 WCS Chips that include serial
> shift registers..
> We had an Company here in Germany that sold used chips from recycled pcbs
> one..the new management endet this. But before it ended I've bought a
> bunch of them, besides things like J11, Bus drivers AM29828 and much
> other things for a very small amount of bucks.
> (From the point I've told them that I wanted the chips to build something
> out of
> it and I'm not interrested to only look at nice gold ceramic Chips w/o
> any seems that they send me the best looking Ic's they
> had.. :-) )
> >
> > Of course, now this could all be built on a few FPGAs, and get vastly
> higher
> > performance.
> That's the point where the fun least for me. Yes, I've done
> some designs on Altera CPLDs (schematic entry only), bought a book about
> Verilog and one about VHDL .. but spare time is low...
> I don't even want to build a "fast" computer ...nice if it's fast, but
> it isn't necessary.
> I'm sitting on a PC with an Ryzen 5-3600 and 64Gbyte RAM (no, no Flash
> disk, but a RAID arry of fast SAS "spinning rust" disks..)
> >
> > Yes, a small peripheral controller would be a much more practical
> project.
> >
> > Jon
> Exactly.
> First is to get something running..
> In the old AM29xx Docs (Donnamaye E. White) are even "controllers"
> described that don't use any ALU at all, but an AM2910 only.
> As long you don't have to shuffle some data, this will be sufficient..
> (Coffee machine?)
> Regards,
> Holm
> --
>        Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,, Holm Tiffe,
>         Goethestrasse 15, 09569 Oederan, USt-Id: DE253710583
> Tel +49 37292 709778 Mobil: 0172 8790 741

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