On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 5:32 PM Rick Bensene via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> Henry wrote:
> > I remember those, and when I went searching to look for more information
> on them I found something I > hadn't stumbled on before - apparently Xircom
> made a parallel port Ethernet adapter.  It must have
> > been pretty painful.  The parallel port wasn't a great high speed
> interface…
> ----
> Yes, I have one of those parallel port Ethernet devices too.  But,
> remember, back at that time, Ethernet was commonly 10Mb/Sec.  I think that
> 100Mb/Sec was only located in high-end datacenters and was very expensive.
> For a laptop that didn’t have a PCMCIA port, and you wanted it on an
> Ethernet network, this was an acceptable way to go.  Performance wasn’t
> great, but most of the time laptops like this were used for TELNET
> connections to other hosts on the local network for “GREEN SCREEN” type
> applications that ran entirely on the remote host.  Performance in such
> cases wasn’t nearly as much of a concern as it would be in the not too
> distant future.
> I will try to find my Xircom parallel port Modem and Ethernet adapters in
> a box somewhere in my storage area and take a photo of them.  If I can find
> them, I’ll post a link here to the photos so those in disbelief can see
> them.

That would be cool. I found this link for all the networking gear:
And found parallel port multiplexers.

Do you have drivers for them?


> From: Henry Bent [mailto:henry.r.b...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025 3:54 PM
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <
> cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> Cc: Rick Bensene <ri...@bensene.com>
> Subject: Re: [cctalk] Re: RS232 - parallel modems!?

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