Not a single reference, but these two directories should provide most of
what you need:
The CE Handbook, Loader ROMS, Interfaces, and Standard Memory manuals will
all be useful.
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
OK, thanks.
Is there a sheet somewhere that I can use to decode all of these part numbers?
TTFN - Guy
On Aug 12, 2019, at 4:25 PM, Mike Loewen via cctalk <>
Sorry, I mistyped. 12746A is a 64KB (32KW) memory module.
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
Except that I don?t have a 12745A memory board, I believe it?s a 12746A which I
think I saw was a 16K board.
TTFN - Guy
On Aug 12, 2019, at 4:07 PM, Mike Loewen via cctalk <>
2102B is the Standard Performance Memory Controller
12745A is a 64KB (32KW) memory board
12897B is a DCPC (Dual Channel Port Controller)
12992B is a 7905/7906/7920/7925 disc loader PROM
12892B is a Memory Protect board
12944B is the Power Fail Recovery System
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
Thanks all!
The trick was opening up the front panel (I?m used to keylocks that are only
electrical and not just physical).
Here?s the HP label with the options:
CPU 2103
MEM BP 1713
IO BP 1727
In opening the panel on the front card cage, I saw that it only had 16K of
memory. :-(
I?ll see about firing it up and if that goes well (anyone have suggestions for
this type of mini?) I?ll see if I find more memory and suitable peripherals.
TTFN - Guy
On Aug 12, 2019, at 3:29 PM, Mike Loewen via cctalk <>
The original M-Series machines were the 2105A and the 2108A (9-slot), which sound like
what you have. The early machines didn't say "M-Series" on the front panel,
and had a different lock than the later models: (my model 2108A)
Early models had the power switch on the back panel, while later models had it
behind the front panel.
It sounds like you might have a later model M. It would be helpful to see a
closeup of the read card cage (with readable labels), as well as the front card
cage. The front card cage is accessed by unlocking the panel and removing the
cover on the right side over the card cage. That's where the memory boards
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Guy Sotomayor Jr via cctalk wrote:
It?s a 9-slot variant that says HP-1000 M-Series on the front panel. From what
I can tell the front panel appears to be the same as any of the other HP-1000
What I?m trying to figure out is what the actual CPU configuration is without
disassembly (which I still need to figure out) so that I can actually examine
the boards.
TTFN - Guy
On Aug 12, 2019, at 2:59 PM, Norman Jaffe via cctalk <>
Can you provide a picture of the front panel?
2113 implies a 21MX-E; the nine-slot version is a 2109 while the fourteen-slot
would be a 2113.
This might help - .
From: "cctalk" <>
To: "cctalk" <>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 2:52:18 PM
Subject: Identification of an HP minicomputer
I have sitting in my pile of stuff an HP minicomputer that I?m trying to
identify (at least in terms of exactly what it is and what sort of
configuration it might have).
As far as I can tell, it?s an HP-1000 M-Series minicomputer (that should
hopefully get us *some* details). The ?asset tag? lists the part number as
2113023-108. Looking at the back there?s space for 9 I/O cards (5 are occupied).
So my question is which of the several CPUs could this be and how do I tell
(for example) what the configuration is (e.g. how much memory, etc).
Yes, I have looked on bitsavers, but short of disassembling the box to look at
the (at least) 2 boards that are below the I/O slots, I can?t tell what?s there
and I?d like to see if there?s a way to determine what this is without
resorting to disassembly.
TTFN - Guy
Mike Loewen
Old Technology
Mike Loewen
Old Technology
Mike Loewen
Old Technology
Mike Loewen
Old Technology