On 01/10/2017 06:01 PM, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
Although not yet physically in my possession (I still have to “pick it up” for
large values of “pick up”) my rarest/most unusual system is an IBM 4331 with
all of it’s related peripherals. Specifically it includes:
* IBM 4331 CPU with 1MB of RAM
* 4 IBM 3340 drives (w 12 70MB winchester packs)
* IBM 2821 control unit
* IBM 1403N1 printer
* IBM 2540 card reader/punch
* IBM 3803 control unit
* 2 IBM 3420 tape drives
Holy moly! I had no idea any of that vintage of stuff was
still in circulation. The 2821 is really chunks of 1401
parts repurposed into a 360 unit record controller.
Germanium transistors on SMS cards!
Hope you have strong floors!