On 01/10/2017 04:09 PM, Andy Cloud wrote:
Hi Everyone!

I thought this would be an interesting question to ask around - What's the
rarest or most unusual computer-related item do you own?

For me, personally, I have a Altair 8800!

Looking forward to hearing your answers

I have a Honeywell Alert. It is a 24-bit aircraft computer that was originally designed for the X-15 project. It was the 2nd "mass-produced" computer in the US to use ICs. The first was the Apollo Guidance Computer. Although the AGC started their project a year or so earlier, the Honeywell Alert was deployed first, as it was a much smaller project. The X-15 application was to compute energy available (velocity plus altitude) so the pilot would arrive back at the Edwards runway at the right height and velocity to make a landing.

The CPU still works, as far as I have been able to test it (without working memory). I do have a wrecked memory unit which still has 3 unassaulted memory modules, but absolutely no docs on that. I have jammed constant instructions into the memory IN bus and observed the instruction counter. It draws 25 A at 5 V DC. It has no connectors inside, all 6 boards are connected to the backplane by flexible printed cables. They thought the connectors would be subject to flaky contact, but then the thing has a whole BUNCH of D-25 and D-50 connectors on the front, to connect to I/O devices, memory and power.

I have an A/D converter that was from an air pollution study done in 1974-1975, and was connected to a PDP-8. That ADC now acquires environmental data in my house. Not sure how long it will keep on running.
I had a large disc drive from a non-computer accounting machine, called a Mohawk Data Sciences Mem-O-Ree. The disc is about 4 feet diameter, and ran at 1200 RPM. The unit I had had 64 fixed head tracks on it, I think it could go up to 256 tracks. The disc was attached to a thing that looked like a desk calculator. Maybe there was a bigger logic box somewhere that supported it. I saw the desktop part in a surplus store, but never saw the whole system.

I think those are the more unusual bits in my collection.

I built a 32-bit bit slice CPU in about 1982, but eventually put it aside, as the amount of work to bring it to a full computer system was going to be enormous. I/O devices, microcode, OS, compilers, and on and on. If I'd known at the time that Unix 360 existed, that might have changed my plans.

Then, I cloned a system that used the National Semi 32016 chip, and used that for a while. Yes, I was in the world of 32/16 bit computing, but it was GLACIALLY slow. But, it did get me to learn my way around Unix.

Then, I managed to get a MicroVAX-II system, and ran that for 21 years, from 1986 to 2007. I did eventually move away from the VAX but kept it running for the home environment monitoring. In 2007 I moved that last app to a PC running Linux.


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