On 01/10/2017 04:09 PM, Andy Cloud wrote:
Hi Everyone!

I thought this would be an interesting question to ask around - What's the
rarest or most unusual computer-related item do you own?

I don't know if it qualifies as computer-related or not, but I do have a Burroughs adding machine from January of 1905 - it's a little unusual because although it's a non-motorized machine, it has a very early variant of the stand/side-table (where the majority of the manual machines were intended for desktop use)

I was mainly into micros (due to lack of space back in the day), so there's nothing really exciting in the electronic side of things, although:

Likely < 20 survivors:

Acorn System 1 (2-board 6502 machine ~1979)
Acorn System 5 (backplane-based variant of above with various extra boards)
Acorn Cambridge Workstation (6502/32016 dual CPU machine)
Acorn/BBC Domesday system
Torch Quad-X (VME-based m68k Unix machine)
Research Machines 480Z (one of the first few made, with the metal case)

And slightly more common items:

Amiga 1000 (a few about, but far more likely to see an A500, 1200 etc.)
Osborne 1a
Commodore +4 (a working one, I'm sure there are more dead ones around!)
SGI Indigo2 (fully-loaded)
SGI Origin 2200
Compaq Portable (a II and a '286)
Research Machines 380Z

I've possibly got the only surviving Cumana 68008 co-processor for a BBC micro, and also the only surviving Acorn 80286 co-processor for the same, but that probably only means something to folks who collect Acorn hardware :-)

Oh, and for slightly unusual I do have an Apple II+ which was built in week 51 of 1982, which is a couple of weeks after the line was discontinued by Apple. It's a shame that nobody goes nuts for high serial numbers.



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