Although not yet physically in my possession (I still have to “pick it up” for large values of “pick up”) my rarest/most unusual system is an IBM 4331 with all of it’s related peripherals. Specifically it includes: * IBM 4331 CPU with 1MB of RAM * 4 IBM 3340 drives (w 12 70MB winchester packs) * IBM 2821 control unit * IBM 1403N1 printer * IBM 2540 card reader/punch * IBM 3803 control unit * 2 IBM 3420 tape drives
TTFN - Guy > On Jan 10, 2017, at 2:09 PM, Andy Cloud <> wrote: > > Hi Everyone! > > I thought this would be an interesting question to ask around - What's the > rarest or most unusual computer-related item do you own? > > For me, personally, I have a Altair 8800! > > Looking forward to hearing your answers > >> _Andy