>>The latter 91% is safe for many uses and is water clear it leaves no residue
>>(however one must assure its dry after).

And what type of microscope did you use to determine there is no residue ?

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:23 AM, allison <ajp...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 1/5/17 8:36 AM, E. Groenenberg wrote:
>> We have a similar common name for it being 'brand spiritus'.
>> It's basically 90% - 92% alcohol, with the rest being methanol and water
>> and it's color is blue-ish.
>> Ed
>> --
> In the past from the local print and painting supplier "De-natured alcohol"
> Usually in a pint or gallon can (this is USA).  I also buy Lacquer thinner,
> Acetone, Ethanol (99.4pure) and MEK in the same form all powerful
> solvents and better than 99% pure.
> Rubbing alcohol is ok save for its isopropanol plus water (either 70% or
> 91%).
> The latter 91% is safe for many uses and is water clear it leaves no residue
> (however one must assure its dry after).
> There is also Rubbing Alcohol that is ethanol plus water with an added
> denaturant
> (toxic) to render it safe for skin use and not for drinking.
> GC chemicals supplies two different residue free solvent cleaners.
> My favorite head cleaner was banned in many places Xylene, takes curd
> off like no tomorrow.  May melt the user too.
> As to cleaning and repairing the drum... DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL
> YOU ARE SURE of the process to be applied.  That applies to solvents, wipes,
> and all.  Use gloves!  Test solvents near an edge or other area that is not
> critical.
> Allison
>> Ik email, dus ik besta.
>> BTC : 1J5fajt8ptyZ2V1YURj3YJZhe5j3fJVSHN
>> LTC : LP2WuEmYPbpWUBqMFGJfdm7pdHEW7fKvDz
>> On Thu, January 5, 2017 14:22, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>>>      > From: Klemens Krause
>>>      > We clean our RK05 disks in a very robust way: with cheap burning
>>> spirit
>>>      > and paper towels. ... We rubbed away thick black traces from
>>> occasional
>>>      > head crashes and we never removed the oxide coating with this
>>> torture.
>>> I am about to get a large batch of RK05 packs, so I am interested in the
>>> details of this.
>>> First, what is 'burning spirit'? (I assume this is a straight translation
>>> into English of some German term, but not knowing German... :-) After
>>> poking
>>> around with Google for a while (hampered no little by the fact that it's
>>> the
>>> name of a band, and also a term in World of Warcraft :-), it seems like
>>> it
>>> might be acetone?
>>>         Noel

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