We have a similar common name for it being 'brand spiritus'.

It's basically 90% - 92% alcohol, with the rest being methanol and water
and it's color is blue-ish.

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On Thu, January 5, 2017 14:22, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > From: Klemens Krause
>     > We clean our RK05 disks in a very robust way: with cheap burning
> spirit
>     > and paper towels. ... We rubbed away thick black traces from
> occasional
>     > head crashes and we never removed the oxide coating with this
> torture.
> I am about to get a large batch of RK05 packs, so I am interested in the
> details of this.
> First, what is 'burning spirit'? (I assume this is a straight translation
> into English of some German term, but not knowing German... :-) After
> poking
> around with Google for a while (hampered no little by the fact that it's
> the
> name of a band, and also a term in World of Warcraft :-), it seems like it
> might be acetone?
>       Noel

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