On 07/01/2017 18:01, Pete Turnbull wrote:
That part is easy. Turn it upside down, and for each of the tabs,
insert a small (1/4") flat-blade screwdriver into the rectangular hole
by each tab, turn it so that the side moves away from the bottom cover
sufficiently, then slip a smaller screwdriver into the gap between the
side and the bottom cover, and lever it up slightly. Repeat until you
have all the tabs undone and the bottom cover lifts off.
That lets you at the lower surface. I can't remember how to take the
platter out; IIRC it involves dong something to the cover on the handle.
I just use a torch to look at it, through the side.
A little refresher (experimentation) later...
Take the cover (the part with the slide) off the handle. Inside you'll
see a white bar with two inset steel pins that hold the hooks that hold
the platter hub. The handle pivots on plastic parts at each side; take
them out. That lets you slide the whole handle, when it's in the down
position, about 1/4" towards the edge. Do that, making sure the white
plastic bar moves with the handle, and it will release the pins from the
hooks and the platter will fall out (so do this with it resting on a
safe surface - NOT in the lid, or the hub's magnets will stick it to the
Pete Turnbull