On 1/7/2017 11:44 AM, Jerry Weiss wrote:
What is the best way to approach evaluating old RL02 Packs for
cleaning? Does anyone have experience opening up all the little
plastic tabs on the covers? I have a large stash of RL02’s that I had
planned to backup. I was planning on just doing a visual inspection on
each before loading. The only disassembly information I have found
uses the proverbial hammer -
<http://williambader.com/museum/vax/43rl02topremoval.jpg> Jerry
With mine, in a darkened room, I shone a flashlight in perpendicularly
to reveal what debris was on the platter surface. In all cases of the
few packs I had to process, there was a light coating of dust on the
platters, so I disassembled the pack and washed as previously posted.
For me, they had to be dust free before use.
They were not hard to diassemble, but there was a trick to the handle
part (which I forget).
- J.