>>you could test various solvents with a Q-tip to make sure they don't cause 

And a week later after the binder had decomposed what are you going to do ?

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:
> On 01/05/2017 07:22 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>>      > From: Klemens Krause
>>      > We clean our RK05 disks in a very robust way: with cheap burning
>> spirit
>>      > and paper towels. ... We rubbed away thick black traces from
>> occasional
>>      > head crashes and we never removed the oxide coating with this
>> torture.
>> I am about to get a large batch of RK05 packs, so I am interested in the
>> details of this.
>> First, what is 'burning spirit'? (I assume this is a straight translation
>> into English of some German term, but not knowing German... :-) After
>> poking
>> around with Google for a while (hampered no little by the fact that it's
>> the
>> name of a band, and also a term in World of Warcraft :-), it seems like it
>> might be acetone?
> I'd be very careful with acetone, it tends to dissolve a lot of things, like
> maybe the binder in the coating.
> Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) and pure ethanol are the things I've seen used
> to clean magnetic media.
> if there is a spot that is not actually used (maybe other parts of the
> gouged tracks) you could test various solvents with a Q-tip to make sure
> they don't cause damage.
> Jon

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