Hi Rhys,

There is definitively some density present for a ligand, but the active site 
region looks completely misfitted, and the ligand density may also belong to 
unfitted protein residues. One first needs to get the protein chain right, and 
should then look if there would still be density available to fit the ligand.


Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von Rhys 
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Juli 2019 15:22
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

EXTERNAL : Real sender is owner-ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk

Hi All,

I was chatting with a colleague during a recent synchrotron visit and they'd 
recently come across some ligand/drug bound structures associated with a paper 
recently published in a high impact factor journal.

They had pulled the associated SFs from the PDB and found that the electron 
density associated with these ligands didn't match that reported in the paper 
and certainly wasn't sufficient to model the alleged ligand.

I also pulled the structure factors and after refinement in the 
presence/absence of the alleged ligand I also feel that the density present 
does not warrant modelling of the ligand.

I was hoping that the community might be able to give me an outside opinion on 
these datasets (PDB IDs: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2) and if the problem associated with 
the data is verified, provide some advice on how to proceed.

This isn't the first occasion I've seen ligand bound structures with 
questionable density deposited in association with papers in well respected 
journals. Despite improvements to validation I feel that this problem is 

Best Regards,


Dr Rhys Grinter
NHMRC Postdoctoral Researcher
Monash University
+61 (0)3 9902 9213
+61 (0)403 896 767


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