Hi Sajid,
the NADP /NAD binding sites are often "composed" of two sites: one site
that is specific for the adenine/adenosine moiety and another site for
the nicotinamide moiety. It can happen that you see the adenine in the
density but not the nictoninamid tangling around.
HTH Guenter
I have used NADP in my crystallisation condition; and the crystal diffracted
well; I built the model completely and the r-factor and r-free are 0.26 and
0.29 respectively. The resolution is 2.3A. I am looking for NADP, in the
binding region; I could see some density for NADP; But it is not continuous;
there is no density for the middle phosphate group in fo-fc as well as 2fo-fc.
Is it possible that NADP could hydrolyse? if so what could be the hydrolysed
thank you
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Priv.Doz.Dr. Guenter Fritz
Fachbereich Biologie
Sektion Naturwissenschaften
Universitaet Konstanz
Universitaetsstrasse 10
Postfach M665
D-78457 Konstanz
e-mail: guenter.fr...@uni-konstanz.de
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