I want to add I absotely hate the nanodrop.  We've had a demo for it, and
found the readouts to be very unreliable.  Fluctuations of 20% and more.
Just leaving the same drop in and measuring the sample multiple times gives
different values (going in both directions, so not only due to
evaportations). Sure, it's easy and fast, and maybe good to have a rough
idea about your protein concentration, but I would never want to use it for
exact measurements such as needed for e.g. a CD or an ITC instrument. I've
heard other labs in our department have similar issues.  We've also had a
demo for the Nanovue from GE Healthcare:  same issues - very large
fluctuations from one sample to another.  I suppose this is simply an
inherent problem with small volumes...


Filip Van Petegm

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Patrick Loll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At the risk of dragging this discussion even further afield from
> crystallography:
> How can you get realistic numbers for concentrated solutions using the
> Nanodrop?  I understand that the instrument reduces absorbance by using a
> very short path length. However, I thought that in order for the
> Beer-Lambert formalism to be applicable, the solution needs to be
> sufficiently dilute so that the chance of molecules "shadowing" one another
> is negligible. Isn't this condition violated for concentrated solutions
> (even with short path lengths)?
> Pat
> On 4 Dec 2008, at 1:27 PM, Michael Giffin wrote:
> We also like the Nanodrop...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Patrick J. Loll, Ph. D.
> Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
> Director, Biochemistry Graduate Program
> Drexel University College of Medicine
> Room 10-102 New College Building
> 245 N. 15th St., Mailstop 497
> Philadelphia, PA  19102-1192  USA
> (215) 762-7706

Filip Van Petegem, PhD
Assistant Professor
The University of British Columbia
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2350 Health Sciences Mall - Rm 2.356
Vancouver, V6T 1Z3

phone: +1 604 827 4267

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