----- Original Message -----
From: Matheus Morais
To: bug-hurd@gnu.org
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Google's Summer of Code 2006
I had read Thomas last task about sound support on gnumach and I'm very
interested in put that job done. Unfortunately, I have no enough skills for
that and sounds interesting to me use SoC and one >mentor to get this task.
I already tryed find some mentor in project about port debian-installer to
GNU/Debian Hurd but I've no success in this search. I think all @debian are
very busy for this kind of project. ;P
If anyone could mentoring me in the gnumach sound task, I could be able to
write that sound support.
Matheus Morais
If I recall correctly, Colin Watson had gotten pretty far on porting D-I to
Hurd but was still having an issue with booting I think.
Barry deFreese (aka bddebian)
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