On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 17:54:49 +0200, Marco Gerards wrote:

> Thomas Schwinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> > I could imagine handling the task of mentoring with the help of the whole
> > Hurd community.  That is, I'd be the official mentor for the projects
> > we're going to submit.  But for sure I'll need a backup who would at
> > least care at the times I won't be available, especially for two weeks in
> > August (which is near the end of the project), which I'll most probably
> > spend with a concert band in Canada, perhaps without any possibilities to
> > work on the Summer of Code stuff.
> >
> > Who could also imagine being a mentor for the Summer of Code?
> Perhaps people do not realize the deadline is in May.  So if someone
> wants to be a mentor, he has to step forwards now.  It can give the
> Hurd project quite a boost.

Actually, the real deadline for applying is now sometimes next monday,
and the chances of getting in are thiner and thiner... It seems to have
been a victim of its own success and they are overwhelmed by
applications. If the Hurd (or Hurd/L4?) wants to have a chance to get
in, you should contact them right now and only then worry about who will
mentor people (there's until 1st of May to decide on the projects ideas
and 22nd of May to have the definitive list of mentors).

If you are rejected, perhaps can you manage to mentor some people on
Hurd projects under the umbrella of the GNU project?

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