On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 08:19:15PM +0200, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
> Scribit Thomas Schwinge dies 20/04/2006 hora 13:26:
> > [Summer of Code task proposals.]
> File systems
> ============
> - ext3
> - xfs
> - reseirfs
> - jfs
> - ufs
> - vfat
> - udf
> - ntfs

I'm a bit reluctant to add such tasks, given that--afaIct--there so far
isn't an agreement between the Hurd maintainers about how to support file
systems that are larger than the contiguous addressable memory space
(which is around 2 GiB).  Comments from the maintainers?

Also, the currently proposed changes to address that problem (by Ognyan
Kulev) for the ext2fs translator only work for file systems with a block
size of 4096 Bytes.

> I don't know it current iso9660 is complete WRT specifications.

I also don't know that.

> > Please hurry up with your answers; the deadline for submitting the
> > proposals is quickly getting nearer.
> Is it necessary to have proposals at the mentor's side? I thought they
> were merely guidelines...

Yes, but if I were a potential applicant, it'd be quite helpful for me to
see some tasks in the spirit the project wants people to work on.


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