On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 08:42:07PM +0200, Gianluca Guida wrote:
> On 4/20/06, Thomas Schwinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I could imagine handling the task of mentoring with the help of the whole
> > Hurd community.  That is, I'd be the official mentor for the projects
> > we're going to submit.  But for sure I'll need a backup who would at
> > least care at the times I won't be available, especially for two weeks in
> > August (which is near the end of the project), which I'll most probably
> > spend with a concert band in Canada, perhaps without any possibilities to
> > work on the Summer of Code stuff.
> >
> > Who could also imagine being a mentor for the Summer of Code?
> Well, this summer I'll be quite free. Quite probably, I won't even
> have the university studies to bother me with stupid and low priority
> stuff. So starting from June-July I can be mentoring

That's great news!

> unless somebody object to it.

I don't see why anybody should object.

Other takers?


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