Richard, an issue came up related to gnulib: I want to move a module
from GNUPDF written by Jose E. Marchesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (I have his
permission to do so).  The code is copyrighted by the FSF, Jose signed
papers for GNUPDF but not gnulib.  Does he need to sign papers again for

I think similar situations may occur with gnulib in the future, so
understanding and documenting the best practices would be good.


"Alfred M. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    The copyright notice said the FSF, I assumed you have papers on file.
>    But it would be good to confirm this.
> I don't think you can transfer code from one project to another like
> that. So you you have to contact rms I think.
> Yeah, it is painful... sighs
>    * Stylesheets: should it be inlined into the generated HTML
>      instead?  That is often easier.
> Is the output also generating flat text?  That would rock...

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