>    >    > I think it is a really good idea. If the scripts are distributed in
>    >    > gnulib more GNU packages will be using them and improving them.
>    >
>    >    Thanks for feedback, I have pushed the module into gnulib.
>    >
>    > Nice. Then we will start using the gnulib version :)
>    Great. :)
>    The copyright notice said the FSF, I assumed you have papers on file.
>    But it would be good to confirm this.
> Yes, of course. All the GNU PDF codebase is FSF copyrighted.

Thanks for confirming.  Then the question is whether you need additional
assignments for gnulib too...

>    There are some minor things that should probably be addressed
>    eventually:
>    * Stylesheets: should it be inlined into the generated HTML instead?
>      That is often easier.
>    * There seems to be hard-coded assumptions in the code, for example:
>        cut_dir = "/../"
>      I haven't yet understood the code fully though.
>    * For some reason the outputs on my http://josefsson.org/cyclo/ page
>      doesn't have inlined functions, and I get warnings when running the
>      tool:
> Yes, the code needs some polishing. I will look into it ASAP.


One strange thing are the spurious green lines in the output:


Another concern:

* The headers for each column doesn't align well over the numbers in the
  column, it should probably use some <td></td> even for the column
  headers.  Or maybe it is my browser?  For example:


  It is unclear which number goes with which header at quick glanze.


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